Yesterday, my little sister had her second baby. Welcome, little A!
Even though they didn't want to find out the sex before the baby was born, I knew* it was a boy.
You will notice the matching hats on father and son. Yes, I made those (and I am ecstatic that they are featured in A's first pictures). I had originally made the little hat for their daughter and am so happy it will be worn again.
The pattern is Stripey Snow Cap and Little Stripey Snow Cap by Sublime Yarns, though I'm sure I altered it to make it newborn size. If only I remembered what I did... I do know that I used some Debbie Bliss Rialto 4 ply that I picked up at The Black Sheep in Encinitas when my mom and I were yarn crawling along the PCH in SoCal ages ago.
(I miss California).
*The lines between "knew" and "really hoped" are very fine. This probably had something to do with the fact that I wanted my son to have a same-sex playmate in a sea of girl cousins (4 and counting).
Congratulations on being an auntie (again) and warm wishes to your family. The hats are fabulous!
Posted by: evelyn | February 15, 2012 at 08:23 AM